Our Grout Sealing Specialists Fully Revamped These Bathroom Surfaces in Wilmington
August 31, 2024
Few people would be at peace if their bathrooms look anything less than spotless. A homeowner in Wilmington was naturally frustrated when dark patches remained in different parts of her bathroom area, even after trying different cleaners for weeks. A closer look revealed mold on the shower joints and a few cracks running the length of the floor seams.
Luckily, she found Sir Grout Crystal Coast before the problem got out of hand since she started looking for professional assistance right after finding the cracks on the joints. The homeowner diligently read about our grout sealing service in Wilmington to make an informed decision and was very confident about our skills by the time she filled out the website's contact form.
Our specialists went to her house on the appointed date and the client immediately spotted their logo on the vehicle. She outlined all the issues while leading them to the bathroom, where they began their inspection of the shower and the floor. It wasn't hard to see the yellow and brown stains running between the cream-colored tiles. All the corner joints showed signs of damage, and the cracked grout had absorbed a lot of moisture over the past weeks. This was the case both in the shower area and on the bathroom floor, where parts of the caulk had fallen apart completely, leaving large gaps in the seams.

These areas needed regrouting to stop the accumulation of dirt on the surface, so our techs offered to repair the damage and seal the rest of the grout. The client took note of all their observations and thanked them for their assistance before setting the date for the restoration.
At her request, our crew returned a couple of days later with all the necessary equipment. They started by soaking all the affected surfaces with a permeating cleaner and ran a high-speed scrubber on the floor to remove all the embedded dirt. They also use a 275-degree vapor steamer to eliminate any traces of mold left on the shower stall.
Everything was ready for them to start the repairs. Our experts removed the old caulk on the seams and carefully installed epoxy grout in its place. Since this epoxy solution isn't as porous as cement-based grout, bathroom surfaces are less likely to suffer structural damage because they're more resistant to water, mold, and other external elements.
Then, our techs applied ColorSeal on the bathroom floor and the shower walls. They used different colors according to the client's specifications. She wanted the grout to blend in with the rest of the ceramic shower and enhance the beauty of the hex tiles on the bathroom floor. Our sealant works as a barrier to keep dirt at bay so it doesn't get stuck on top of the grout.
After applying tile sealant and buffing the bathroom floor for the last time, our crew was ready to let the client see the result. The bathroom looked stunning, and there was no way to tell that the grout had been damaged in the first place. Our restoration method left every surface looking as good as new. The client and her family thanked our team for their services and promised to spread the word to everyone they knew.
We always leave clients with additional pointers to help them make the best of their cleaning routine. Our techs started by recommending pH-neutral cleaners to avoid all the harmful side effects of soap-based products. Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner provides all the effectiveness you expect while working on your bathroom surfaces. It removes dirt and stickiness in minutes without affecting the sealant's protection. It also simplifies the process because you no longer have to mix different products to get rid of the most stubborn stains. There's no better way to make your shower look better while sidestepping the health risks of toxic fumes.
Our next recommendation focused on the right tools to avoid scratches and grout damage. The best way to get all the dirt off the surface is by using non-abrasive tools like a towel or a squeegee. A steel wool, for instance, won't reach narrow surfaces without scratching the tiles in the process.
Since moisture buildup can still ruin a good cleaning routine, our specialists ended the appointment with a reminder to keep the bathroom properly ventilated throughout the day. Just by opening the windows and doors for a few hours, you can preserve the beauty of your bathroom surfaces and stop the spread of mold.
Are your bathroom surfaces giving you trouble? Sir Grout Crystal Coast is ready to assist you with a thorough process and the latest equipment to fix any damage. Our specialists harness years of experience to deliver the most amazing results, leaving residential surfaces looking as good as new after every job. Contact us and see for yourself! Just call (910) 427-0071 or schedule a free quote online to request an appointment. You can also subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss our latest promotions and updates.
Categories: Tile, Grout, Cleaning, Sealing, Regrouting, ColorSeal, Residential, Floors, Showers, Bathrooms